Aerial robotics has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, but there is still vast untapped potential for innovation in the design and operation of aerial robots. This workshop aims to bring together researchers, engineers, and enthusiasts interested in exploring unconventional design paradigms, with a specific focus on bioinspired and soft robotics concepts, for aerial robots with the goal to create adaptable, safe, and energy efficient aerial systems.
Anibal Ollero
Director GRVC Robotics Lab, Scientific Director of FADA-CATEC, Co-Chair IEEE TC Aerial Robotics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Hyoun Jin Kim
Seoul National University, Department of Aerospace Engineering and the Automation and Systems Research Institute (Korea). Co-Chair IEEE TC Aerial Robotics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Giuseppe Loianno
New York University (USA), Director of the Agile Robotics and Perception Lab. Co-Chair IEEE TC Aerial Robotics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Pauline Pounds
University of Queensland, Associate Professor, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (Australia).
Marco Tognon
Inria researcher (ISFP) at INRIA Rennes.
Melissa Greef
Assistant Professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Toronto, Canada.
This Workshop has the support of the IEEE RAS TC on Aerial Robotics and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Additionally, the Workshop has the support of the Aerial Robotics Topic Group of euRobotics, and the projects H2020 Aerial-Core, the GRIFFIN Advanced Grant of the European Research Council, the NSF CAREER Award 2145277 and DARPA YFA D22AP00156-00.